- Independent mental health service
Ellern Mede Moorgate Also known as Oak Tree Forest Limited
Registration details
The location ID for Ellern Mede Moorgate is 1-7543296457. CQC register Ellern Mede Moorgate to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think Ellern Mede Moorgate is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Hospitals - Mental health/capacity
Service specialism
- Caring for adults under 65 yrs
- Caring for children (0 - 18yrs)
- Caring for people whose rights are restricted under the Mental Health Act
- Eating disorders
- Mental health conditions
Local authority
Monitored services
CQC register Ellern Mede Moorgate to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Mrs Nancy Charmaine Maicoo is responsible for these services.
Mr James Harrison is the registered manager for these services at this location.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must not admit any new service user to Ellern Mede Moorgate without the prior written agreement of the Care Quality Commission.
The registered provider must undertake a review, led by a senior clinician (consultant psychiatrist or registered mental health nurse at the equivalent level of Agenda for Change Band 8a or higher) with expertise in eating disorders independent to Ellern Mede Moorgate, of all patients receiving nasogastric feeding at Ellern Mede Moorgate to ensure that their care is being delivered in line with national guidance in each individual case and to share the outcome of this with the Care Quality Commission by 29 February 2024.
The registered provider must share a copy of the report and any action plan from the site level governance review referred to in the letter dated 29 January 2024 in response to the Care Quality Commission’s letter of intent dated 26 January 2024 as soon as this is complete and no later than 29 February 2024.
The registered provider must ensure that a report is provided to the Care Quality Commission on Thursday 8 February 2024 and every Thursday thereafter by 10am which must include but is not limited to, the following information from the preceding 7 days:
a. A summary of all incidents involving service users that have occurred at the location.
b. A summary of any complaints or concerns raised by patients, relatives, carers, stakeholders or staff about the location.
c. Copies of any internal or external audits undertaken at the location, including but not limited to medication audits and care records audits.
d. A summary of the staffing for each ward for both day and night shifts for each 24 hour period showing the establishment for each shift, any additional staff required due to enhanced observations, the skill mix and the breakdown of permanent, locum agency and agency staff.
e. Minutes of any meetings of the Moorgate Improvement Group.
f. An update on progress of the site level governance review and the patient reviews while these remain ongoing.
Assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983
Mrs Nancy Charmaine Maicoo is responsible for these services.
Mr James Harrison is the registered manager for these services at this location.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must not admit any new service user to Ellern Mede Moorgate without the prior written agreement of the Care Quality Commission.
The registered provider must undertake a review, led by a senior clinician (consultant psychiatrist or registered mental health nurse at the equivalent level of Agenda for Change Band 8a or higher) with expertise in eating disorders independent to Ellern Mede Moorgate, of all patients receiving nasogastric feeding at Ellern Mede Moorgate to ensure that their care is being delivered in line with national guidance in each individual case and to share the outcome of this with CQC by 29 February 2024.
The registered provider must share a copy of the report and any action plan from the site level governance review referred to in the letter dated 29 January 2024 in response to the Care Quality Commission’s letter of intent dated 26 January 2024 as soon as this is complete and no later than 29 February 2024.
The registered provider must ensure that a report is provided to the Care Quality Commission on Thursday 8 February 2024 and every Thursday thereafter by 10am which must include but is not limited to, the following information from the preceding 7 days:
a. A summary of all incidents involving service users that have occurred at the location.
b. A summary of any complaints or concerns raised by patients, relatives, carers, stakeholders or staff about the location.
c. Copies of any internal or external audits undertaken at the location, including but not limited to medication audits and care records audits.
d. A summary of the staffing for each ward for both day and night shifts for each 24 hour period showing the establishment for each shift, any additional staff required due to enhanced observations, the skill mix and the breakdown of permanent, locum agency and agency staff.
e. Minutes of any meetings of the Moorgate Improvement Group.
f. An update on progress of the site level governance review and the patient reviews while these remain ongoing.