- news A joint statement from the Nursing and Midwifery Council, General Medical Council and Care Quality Commission, on our support for the implementation of Martha's Rule by NHS England.
- news The next step in our journey allows us to launch our new registration process and introduce more functionality on the new online provider portal.
- news CQC's 2024 national maternity survey is happening soon. The survey is carried out every year. It asks women and other people who have used maternity services about their experience of maternity care.
- news As a part of introducing our new approach, we plan to start work on well-led assessments for NHS trusts which has been developed in collaboration with NHS England
- news We have now started to use our new assessment approach across all our regions in England.
- news In September 2023, the Regulators’ Pioneer Fund awarded us a grant of £635,394. We will use this funding to develop a framework to support integrated care systems (ICSs) in reducing health inequalities
- news The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has appointed a new non-executive member to CQC’s Board. Charmion Pears will join the Board on 1 February and will chair CQC’s Audit and Risk Assurance Committee.
- news Victoria Atkins MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, has commissioned us to conduct a special review into Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust under Section 48 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008.
- news We will ask local authorities to complete an information return. All local authorities will have 3 weeks to complete this and return the information.
- news Further detail out the roll-out of our new online systems and assessment approach
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