Our management structure is headed by our board and supported by the executive team.
Our senior decision-making body, it:
- provides leadership and ensures we are successful and sustainable
- sets our strategy, purpose and values.
The board meets 6 times a year.
Find out about our meetings, watch online and download papers.
Read our board members' biographies.
Executive team
Responsible for our day-to-day running, it:
- oversees the delivery of our business plan objectives
- ensures we use our resources properly and manage our performance well.
Find out more
Our governance framework describes our management structure, including the subcommittees that support the board and executive team.
The DHSC and CQC framework agreement sets out the broad framework within which the CQC operates.
A PDF of appendix A: DH Arms’ Length Bodies Schedule of Delegations (dated August 2014), is available on request. Email secretariat@cqc.org.uk.
Standing orders set out the basic rules and procedures for the board.
Board members declared interests.
Board members' register of interests