External reports and research

Page last updated: 18 July 2024

Research we have commissioned and reports into areas of our work carried out by other organisations.

Research and evaluation reports

Research commissioned as part of our research and evaluation programme.

4,000 voices (October 2022)

The survey asked 4,013 people aged 65 and over about their experiences of using health and social care services in 2022.

September 2020 reports

Three pieces of research have been carried out to look into areas where CQC’s regulation has contributed to improving the quality of health and care services, and where we can improve it. We are using the findings from this research to inform our Strategy for 2021 and beyond.

CQC’s impact on the quality of care: An assessment of CQC’s contribution by the Alliance Manchester Business Schools at the University of Manchester

This is an in-depth assessment of the relationship between CQC’s regulatory approach and improvement in the quality of health and social care. This was to support our understanding of how we are delivering against our purpose, so we can identify areas where we can improve our approach.

We are using a number of the findings to inform our strategy and approach from 2021. For example, open and honest relationships between CQC inspectors and people who work for a care provider can contribute to better quality care, particularly if CQC involves partner organisations to help providers improve. The study also found that CQC can contribute to improvement by producing accessible and up to date guidance products for care providers.

CQC’s impact on the quality of care

This is the main report. You can request additional findings by emailing alan.boyd@manchester.ac.uk.

Rapid Literature Review on Effective Regulation: Implications for the Care Quality Commission

To base our Strategy for 2021 and beyond on the best evidence about what works in regulation, we looked at external evidence, working with an academic advisor at the University of Manchester. We carried out a rapid review of the literature on effective regulation, including in other countries and sectors. This identified key learning to inform our strategy, including:

  • taking a flexible approach to regulation and adapting it to the circumstances of different providers
  • building ongoing relationships with the providers we regulate
  • working with other parts of the system to achieve improvements in quality
  • meaningfully involving people who use services in our regulation
  • ensuring relevant regulation by keeping pace with the digitalisation, technology, and innovations in the system

Rapid literature review on effective regulation: Implications for the Care Quality Commission

Evaluation of the healthcare services well-led framework

The NHS National Improvement and Leadership Development Board commissioned Alliance Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester, in association with Deloitte, to evaluate the well-led framework for healthcare services. The evaluation showed that:

  • the framework enables leaders to change leadership practices that have an impact on the quality of care
  • the framework needs to focus on both governance and processes and culture and leadership, including a greater focus on diversity and engaging people who use services
  • regulators need to look at both leadership in individual organisations as well as how they operate across the broader system
  • regulatory and oversight bodies need to ensure providers get support to improve.

Aligned to the findings from the evaluation of the Well Led Framework, the NHS people plan for 2020/21 has emphasised the need for compassionate, distributed and inclusive leadership, and a culture that encourages and celebrates diversity. We have carried out provider collaboration reviews to look at how health and social care providers are working together in local areas and we will be engaging with leaders with NHS trusts about the further development of the Well Led framework.

Evaluation of the health care services well-led framework

Earlier reports


What good looks like (May 2014 to June 2015)

These reports set out the findings of qualitative research we commissioned in April 2014 to provide us with a clear understanding of what the public and service users think 'good' and 'outstanding' look like in these four services. In addition, the research explored what information requirements the public have in relation to inspection reports about all of the above services.

Display of ratings testing (February 2015)

These reports set out the findings of research we commissioned to provide us with an understanding of what the public and people who use services thought of our proposed materials for providers to display their ratings, both across their premises and online. The research contributed to our consultation on our draft guidance and gave us important insight into the best way to require providers to display their ratings (where and how) so that they are clear and valuable to the public.

Quality Health analysis report

ResearchWorks in-situ and group poster testing report

Sandwich generation survey (August 2014)

This report summarises the results of a survey of 259 users of the Mumsnet and Gransnet websites in England, who have or care for at least one child aged under 17.

Sandwich generation survey summary report

Read our news story and case studies.

Fear of raising concerns (April 2013)

This report by the ICM Government & Social Research team presents findings from a survey of the public designed to establish as fully as possible people’s willingness to report concerns about the standard of care.

Fear of raising concerns about care

Adult social care survey feasibility study (April 2013)

This study looked at the feasibility of developing a new survey of people who use adult social care services. It was carried out by The King's Fund and Picker Institute.

Research study: Developing a new survey around adult social care services

International mental health legislation (October 2012)

This research from Bristol University informed our plans for monitoring the use of the Mental Health Act and fulfilling our responsibilities under the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT).

International monitoring of mental health legislation

Reports about us

Review of two 2013 Care Quality Commission procurements (June 2015)

This report sets out the conclusions of a review by the Health Group Internal Audit service. The review looked at two procurement exercises that we carried out in 2013, which resulted in contracts being awarded to McKinsey and Company.

'Protected Disclosure' in 2014 – Review of two 2013 Care Quality Commission procurements

Letter from Una O'Brien to David Behan: Internal audit report following 2014 protected disclosure (4 June 2015)

Letter from David Behan to Una O'Brien: Internal audit report following 2014 protected disclosure (5 June 2015)

Getting it right for children and young people (March 2014)

This report by Dr Sheila Shribman, the former National Clinical Director for Children, Young People and Maternity Services, looks at our new approach to inspection.

Getting it right for children & young people: A report on CQC's new approach to inspection

Exploring bullying and harassment in CQC (June 2013)

This report is from a review of bullying and harassment in our organisation carried out by People Opportunities Limited at the request of our chief executive David Behan.

Exploring bullying and harassment in CQC: Summary report

Our staff survey

We commission an annual survey to find out what our staff think about issues such as leadership, teamwork and morale.

CQC staff survey

Working with us